Computer Quiz 1 For I.A सूचना सहायक Exam

Computer Quiz 1 For I.A सूचना सहायक Exam  today we discuss some important topic mcq like TCP, MS WORD, Algorithm, file extension, programming etc which is important for information assistant exam as well as ibps, ccc and other exams.

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Q1. Transmission control protocol is:
(a) Connection oriented protocol
(b) Uses a three way handshake to establish a connection
(c) recievs data from application as a single stream
(d) all of the mentioned

Q2. To justify the selected text, the shortcut key is:
(a) Ctrl + I
(b) Ctrl + J
(c) Ctrl + B
(d) Ctrl + Alt + K

Q3. _________ is the time taken by the switch in the identification of bit-level errors in the data packet.  
(a) Processing delay
(b) Queuing delay
(c) Transmission delay
(d) Propagation delay

Q4. Which among the following is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed?
(a) System Software
(b) Algorithm
(c) Network topology
(d) Application software

Q5. Who among the following is known as the Father of The Internet?
(a) Tim Berners-Lee
(b) Raymond Tomilson
(c) Douglas Englebart
(d) Vint Cerf

Q6. Which among the following is the extension of font file?
(a) .ff
(b) .fnf
(c) .fnt
(d) .font

Q7. Which of the following is a programming language? 
(a) Lotus 
(b) Pascal 
(c) MS-Excel 
(d) Firefox

Q8. Which type of system can learn and adjust to new circumstances by themselves?
(a) Database management system
(b) Expert systems
(c) Geographical systems
(d) Neural networks

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    And also give to me important knowledge.
