Computer Technical Word which you should know for exam and interview point of view

When you appear any exam many time you confuseOd some of computer technical co-related word, we can not share any trick for these computer word but enjoy this online computer tutorials and it is not hard to learn it you confused keep practising and day by day you improving.

Buses - Buses is a communication system which transfer data between computer component.

Neural Network - it is a computer model based on human brain .

Encryption - translation of data into secret code when you access this type of file you need particular key or password.

Key logger - Basically key logger is capture every activity when you press any button on keyboard. It records every thing like you password mail information etc.

Booting - Booting is start when you start your computer or laptop. basically booting check that is your PC all components work well or not.

Web cookies - web cookies also called as Cookie,browser cookies,internet cookies etc.when you access any website than website send you small amount of data which stores in your browser and next time you access this website you take less time when you access before.

VoIP - voice over internet protocol that mean it allow to send a voice massage by internet with no charges.

Footer - Footer is bottom margin on your document and web page etc.

Pharming - it is type of cyber attack .in pharming when you open any website or webpage the page or website redirect other website.

Adware - it is a hidden ads (hidden software) on your software or app when you install software they appears on your screen.

Hyperlink - connect one internet link to another internet link called hyper link for example when you open any website than many time you see click here and than you click there this type of internal link called Hyperlink.

Compressing - sound like compress anything in computer when you compress any file or software that techniques called compressing you see many time compress file like games file.

*Name of application Similar to MS Office - NeoOffice,OpenOffice,LibreOffice,FreeOffice.

*Compiler - compiler translate complet program into meachine language.

*Interpreter - It is translate at a time on program instructions into meachine language.

More words will be soon update.